Author: Team Green Garage

At Green Garage Investing we like innovation + craftsmanship. And investing. Growth investing with a value mindset. Our Strike Price List is a semi-DIY subscription service to help retail investors outperform the stock market index.
0 354  0 Comment on Coke vs Pepsi vs Tesla
Posted in Investing Macro Economy Sectors Tesla

Coke vs Pepsi vs Tesla

We analyzed Coke and Pepsi so you don’t have to. You might like their dividend…

The End of the World Is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization
0 203  0 Comment on There’s macroeconomics and then there are MACROECONOMICS
Posted in Macro Economy People

There’s macroeconomics and then there are MACROECONOMICS

These days The Fed’s actions/thoughts/inactions seem to control the entire market. Rarely does a company’s…

ETH Train
0 215  0 Comment on Is it time to jump on the ETH Train?
Posted in Bitcoin, Cryptos & Blockchains

Is it time to jump on the ETH Train?

Ethereum is expected to merge in mid-September from a Proof-of-Work to a Proof-of-Stake system. The…

Bitcoin Rainbow Price Chart by Raoul Pal
0 295  0 Comment on Is the Bottom in?
Posted in Bitcoin, Cryptos & Blockchains

Is the Bottom in?

Raoul has some good charts like the one above that would indicate this has been…

CNN Fear & Greed Index
0 533  0 Comment on It’s Time To Invest Based Upon Earnings – Or Not
Posted in Investing Macro Economy People

It’s Time To Invest Based Upon Earnings – Or Not

Avi, furthering our understanding of how the markets work: When the news of such improved…

0 519  0 Comment on Socionomic Theory of Finance
Posted in Investing Macro Economy People S&P 500

Socionomic Theory of Finance

Brutal week or 8 … The market is acting like an angry drunk. But this…

0 492  0 Comment on Awaiting 2022
Posted in Investing Macro Economy

Awaiting 2022

Here is an excerpt from ARK Invest’s recent blog post: Innovation Stocks Are Not in…

Global Energy Related CO2 Emissions
0 1186  0 Comment on The Carbon Opportunity
Posted in Commodities Energy Macro Economy

The Carbon Opportunity

According to Marin Katusa, the the top-performing investment of the past three years: The correct…

Tony Seba
0 8690  0 Comment on RethinkX: Rethinking Climate Change
Posted in Energy Macro Economy People

RethinkX: Rethinking Climate Change

How Humanity Can Choose to Reduce Emissions 90% by 2035 through the Disruption of Energy,…

0 9429  0 Comment on Bitcoin and the Wyckoff Method – Welcome to the Big Player World
Posted in Bitcoin, Cryptos & Blockchains Investing People

Bitcoin and the Wyckoff Method – Welcome to the Big Player World

Wish we knew this 3 months ago. But beware of what you wish for. That…
1 1051  0 Comment on Existential Crises as Tesla and Bitcoin Collide
Posted in Bitcoin, Cryptos & Blockchains Energy Investing Tesla

Existential Crises as Tesla and Bitcoin Collide

By now you are likely aware of this tweet from Elon that put Tesla and…

1 403  0 Comment on Is it Just Us or Does it Feel Bottomey?
Posted in Investing Macro Economy S&P 500

Is it Just Us or Does it Feel Bottomey?

The S&P may have been down today, but for the first time in seemingly forever…

1 956  0 Comment on The Bull Market is Out Back Taking a Dump
Posted in Investing Macro Economy S&P 500

The Bull Market is Out Back Taking a Dump

Remember last April and May and their was no toilet paper at the grocery store…
1 539  0 Comment on Dogecoin: Fate Loves Irony
Posted in Bitcoin, Cryptos & Blockchains

Dogecoin: Fate Loves Irony

What’s all the hubbub with Dogecoin lately? It’s only up 13,000% or something in the…

Some Podcasts
1 488  0 Comment on Some Podcasts for Your Listening Pleasure
Posted in Bitcoin, Cryptos & Blockchains Investing People

Some Podcasts for Your Listening Pleasure

It is great to be alive in the time of podcasts. One gets to listen…

Robert Breedlove: Sovereignism & Digital Creative Destruction
1 501  0 Comment on Bitcoin, Breedlove, Sovereign Individuals, Digital Creative Destruction & The Future
Posted in Bitcoin, Cryptos & Blockchains Macro Economy

Bitcoin, Breedlove, Sovereign Individuals, Digital Creative Destruction & The Future

Here are a few snippets from the first half of the first article of what…

The Great Stranding: How Inaccurate Mainstream LCOE Estimates are Creating a Trillion-Dollar Bubble in Conventional Energy Assets
1 711  0 Comment on Tony Seba Speaketh: Major Bubble Formed for Conventional Energy — Lookout!
Posted in Energy Macro Economy

Tony Seba Speaketh: Major Bubble Formed for Conventional Energy — Lookout!

Tony Seba, Adam Dorr and RethinkX have released a new report called The Great Stranding:…

ARK Invest: Cathie Wood
2 600  0 Comment on Bull Market Broadening by Cathie Wood
Posted in Investing Macro Economy

Bull Market Broadening by Cathie Wood

You may have noticed value stocks, represented by The Dow, especially in the energy and…

S&P500 2021-03-04
2 1711  0 Comment on How low can this dip go?
Posted in Investing Macro Economy S&P 500

How low can this dip go?

“The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.”…
1 13880  0 Comment on Time to Square Up Some Bitcoin
Posted in Bitcoin, Cryptos & Blockchains Investing Sectors

Time to Square Up Some Bitcoin

Is it time to buy Bitcoin since it has dipped significantly in the past couple…

Green Garage Investing Ltd.
1 9298  1 Comment on Hello world!
Posted in Investing

Hello world!

This website is still in the early stages and rather rough around the edges so…

1 592  0 Comment on Thanks, EH!!
Posted in Investing Robotics Sectors

Thanks, EH!!

Ehang, Chinese makers of autonomous aerial vehicles for urban transportation, today were hit by a…

Avi Gilburt: The Market Pinball Wizard
1 367  0 Comment on Avi Speaks: March Melt-Up Madness
Posted in Investing

Avi Speaks: March Melt-Up Madness

Avi’s latest public commentary: I am looking for a very specific setup to confirm the…

Real Vision
1 505  0 Comment on In Response to Real Vision Asking if We’re in a Bubble
Posted in Investing Macro Economy

In Response to Real Vision Asking if We’re in a Bubble

Do you think we’re in a bubble? Does it matter? Are you investing right now…

Image by Michael Davis @KingDavie24
2 436  0 Comment on Bitcoin has been De-Risked, Now its Time to Scale
Posted in Bitcoin, Cryptos & Blockchains Investing Sectors Tesla

Bitcoin has been De-Risked, Now its Time to Scale

This morning my friend texted me, “you were right and I was wrong. With Tesla…

American Manganese
1 837  0 Comment on Can American Manganese Make Lithium-Ion Last Forever?
Posted in Commodities Energy Sectors

Can American Manganese Make Lithium-Ion Last Forever?

American Manganese AMY.V Key Insight: US gov stockpile of manganese in Arizona should be…

The Silver Element
1 620  0 Comment on Is this Silver’s time to Shine?
Posted in Commodities Investing Sectors

Is this Silver’s time to Shine?

Update, Feb 5, why the silver squeeze never happened: (BEWARE) All Eyes on Silver “Gold and…

Stem Inc.
1 603  0 Comment on Stem Inc and Rebuilding the Grid
Posted in Energy Investing Sectors

Stem Inc and Rebuilding the Grid

“REBUILDING THE GRID: The power grid is an antiquated one-way system reliant on a lot…

ARK Genomic Revolution ETF
1 557  0 Comment on ARKG at the Core
Posted in Genomics Investing Sectors

ARKG at the Core

We first bought ARKG in July 2020 and it has pretty much already doubled. Normally…

A Tech Bubble? Tech Could Be Undervalued
1 468  0 Comment on A Tech Bubble? Tech Could Be Undervalued
Posted in Investing

A Tech Bubble? Tech Could Be Undervalued

Well said, From Growth to Value: There has been much talk about a tech bubble…