Global Energy Related CO2 Emissions

The Carbon Opportunity

According to Marin Katusa, the the top-performing investment of the past three years:

The correct answer is carbon credits. Since January 2018, almost no one has noticed that green line. But carbon credits have been the top-performing asset class in the world over that time period. It’s an invisible bull market, which means it is still very early in the carbon credit financial lifecycle.

We recommend that you check out his book, The Rise of America: Remaking the World Order that he released in May 2021. And don’t neglect to read The Forbidden Chapter that he links to at the end of the book. Highly recommended. The chart and quotes come from the bonus chapter. Katusa also speaks about The Carbon Opportunity with The Investor’s Podcast and The Rebel Capitalist Show.

While we research the carbon market to figure out how best to attack it we have started positions in the Global Carbon ETF. The development of the carbon market and how we can utilize it to clean up our environment and create a better world is both a very exciting investment opportunity and an inspiration for those of us have been dreading climate change for the past few years/decades.

… this gives customers with a conscience enormous market clout. The “American Consumer” will become an incredible force of power that China is not expecting.

The public will be able to compare not just the price of a Chinese-made product, but also formerly hidden costs such as greenhouse gas emissions and the future impact costs of such “dirty” cheap products with the cost of similar products made by an American company that is carbon neutral (net zero) and ESG-aware. When all the variables are added up, American products, made in this country, will be found to be quite competitive with imports, and buyers can vote for green, made-in-America products with their dollars.

Again, these are considerations that have a wide appeal but are especially important to the millennial generation, which will constitute the demographic bulge for decades to come.

I can’t stress enough how incredibly impactful this is going to be going forward. Going green will revitalize the domestic American economy.


At Green Garage Investing we like innovation + craftsmanship. And investing. Growth investing with a value mindset. Our Strike Price List is a semi-DIY subscription service to help retail investors outperform the stock market index.

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