Bitcoin Rainbow Price Chart by Raoul Pal

Is the Bottom in?

Raoul has some good charts like the one above that would indicate this has been a very bottomey time and probabilities say the very bottom has come and gone. But I do have to wonder if the worst is yet to come given the negative macroeconomic sentiment these days and that we are in the middle of bitcoin’s four year halving cycle when it is expected to be in doldrums. The super cycle is not yet to be. It also seems that bitcoin is a monetary inflation hedge in that it works in money-printer-on-environment it was born into but it is not a consumer price inflation hedge as rising interest rates cause risk-on assets, which bitcoin is still treated as, to go down. Speaking of cycles, Raoul also makes a strong case for some supply and demand shocks forthcoming for Ethereum when it goes to proof of stake in mid-September. Could this be a catalyst for liquidity rising and FUD dissipating in the cryptosphere?

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