2023 Predictions

2023 Predictions

Predictions are difficult. I mark myself 7.5 out of 23.

See below for results.

Happy new year and all that jazz, eh.

23 Predictions for 2023 as we get the ball rolling here in the Green Garage.

  1. $AMZN to double from 2022 close of $84.00 = $168.00
    1. Closed the year at $151.94 = correct ✔
      1. Not quite correct but close enough in my books.
  2. $ARKG to triple from 2022 close of $28.23 = $84.69
    1. Closed the year at $32.81 = wrong X
      1. The market said no thank you to anything that didn’t at least have the smell of profitability.
  3. $CCJ to double from 2022 close of $22.67 = $45.34
    1. Closed the year at $43.10 = correct ✔
      1. I still doubt the viability of nuclear power until 2040 or so when fission becomes a factor, but uranium was bound to bounce back some.
  4. $DQ to double from 2022 close of $38.61 = $77.22
    1. Closed the year at $26.60 = wrong X
      1. Everything solar got obliterated as panels require large expenditures so high interest rates killed that idea.
  5. $FUV to double from 2022 close of $3.30 = $6.60
    1. Closed the year at $0.86 = wrong X
      1. So wrong. Sandy Munro told me the CEO turned out to be a real flake.
  6. $LEV to quadruple from 2022 close of $2.24 = $8.96
    1. Closed the year at $1.77 = wrong X
      1. Still part of the pre-profitability club.
  7. $NMG to triple from 2022 close of $3.82 = $11.46
    1. Closed the year at $2.61= wrong X
      1. How fucking long does it take to start mining graphite? I expected then to start production this year.
  8. $NUGT to triple from 2022 close of $34.47 = $103.41
    1. Closed the year at $34.78 = wrong X
      1. Will there be any gold bugs left by the time it breaks out?
  9. $PSNY to triple from 2022 close of $5.31 = $15.93
    1. Closed the year at $2.26 = wrong X
      1. Still part of the pre-profitability club.
  10. $RIVN to double from 2022 close of $18.43 = $36.86
    1. Closed the year at $23.46 = wrong X
      1. Still part of the pre-profitability club.
  11. $RNW to double from 2022 close of $5.50 = $11.00
    1. Closed the year at $7.66 = wrong X
      1. In the past month it has been on the path to making me correct.
  12. $ROKU to double from 2022 close of $40.70 = $81.40
    1. Closed the year at $91.66 = correct ✔
      1. People like watching TV.
  13. $SE to double from 2022 close of $52.03 = $104.06
    1. Closed the year at $40.50 = wrong X
      1. Perhaps a year early on this one.
  14. $SHOP to double from 2022 close of $34.71 = $69.42
    1. Closed the year at $77.90 = correct ✔
      1. Money or not, people like to shop.
  15. $SILJ to double from 2022 close of $10.55 = $21.10
    1. Closed the year at $10.00 = wrong X
      1. Will there be any silver freaks left by the time it breaks out?
  16. $TSLA to double from 2022 close of $123.18 = $246.36
    1. Closed the year at $248.48 = correct ✔
      1. At least I got this one correct.
  17. $XPEV to double from 2022 close of $9.94 = $19.88
    1. Closed the year at $14.59 = wrong X
      1. Half right but they struggled along with the Chinese economy.
  18. $COIN get acquired by a US stock exchange, brokerage or investment bank
    1. wrong X
      1. Long shot.
  19. Bitcoin to double from 2022 close of US$16,625 = $33,250
    1. Closed the year at ~$42,000 = correct ✔
      1. At least I got this one correct.
  20. Energy was the best performing sector of 2022 (up 52% while all others were in the red led by Consumer Discretionary at -37%), but Basic Materials will win in 2023 up about 25% after being down -14% in 2022.
    1. wrong X
      1. Basic Materials were up 9.9% but were nowhere near the 53% of Info Tech.
  21. Oil will not have a repeat performance of 2022 when it opened at US$75.69 and peaked at $130.50 and closed at $80.26 as it will stay within a range of $63 – $93 despite China and India gobbling up as much cheap Russian oil as they can get their hands on. Oil supply may not have peaked but demand has.
    1. correct ✔
      1. Oil channeled from $63 to $95 as demand from economic slowdowns and overall obsolescence whittle away at the price.
  22. Speaking of Russia, something severely negative will happen to him, at least in his opinion, not ours.
    1. wrong X
      1. No luck yet.
  23. AI is the story of the year and, but like duh. 2025 magazines such as People or Time will have the Tesla Bot on its cover as the ‘person’ of the year.
    1. AI is the story of the year but I can hardly give a ✔ for that and 2025 is still a year away so can’t give an X for that.


At Green Garage Investing we like innovation + craftsmanship. And investing. Growth investing with a value mindset. Our Strike Price List is a semi-DIY subscription service to help retail investors outperform the stock market index.

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