Robert Breedlove: Sovereignism & Digital Creative Destruction

Bitcoin, Breedlove, Sovereign Individuals, Digital Creative Destruction & The Future

Here are a few snippets from the first half of the first article of what is expected to be a 12-part series by the Bitcoin writer, Robert Breedlove. By all means, enjoy making some money in this bitcoin bull run, but if you really want to know where this is all going, start digging here.

Sovereignism Part 1: Digital Creative Destruction

A 12-part essay series exploring the disruption of the nation-state and the subsequent amplification of individual sovereignty during the Digital Age. This series is based on the 1997 masterwork: The Sovereign Individual.

Considerations of energy efficiency shape the tools and systems mankind creates for himself. Thermodynamically sound structures — those which maximize the utility of absolutely scarce energy — tend to become favored in free market competition. Stronger bonds translate into higher power capacity: the ability to retain energy over time without dissipation. In a universe where life continuously competes for its share of finite energy, profligacy is ruinous. As the most accurate portrayal of reality, energy is truth. Conservation of energy, then, is conservation of truth — the key to success in competitive conditions for organisms and organizations alike.

Trade and money are foundational to socioeconomic organization. People exchange their energy to produce the fruits of labor. Money is the medium through which people trade energy. Ideally, money is as scarce as the energy necessary to produce the fruits of labor to which it lays claims. As the base layer operating system of human cooperation, this “thermodynamically sound” money would have profound implications on the socioeconomic systems it upholds. Such a monetary medium would need to be as agnostic to political machinations and criminal actions as the thermodynamic reality of absolute energy scarcity it securitizes.

As you may have guessed by now, this ideal, thermodynamically sound, and apolitical money is Bitcoin. As a 12-year old digital disruptor to one of the most ancient and important tools in the world — gold — Bitcoin is a tectonic shift in human organization.

Breaking the centralized stranglehold on money by disrupting it at the base layer, Bitcoin forces a total revamping of the socioeconomic systems derived from money — including the rule of law, private property rights, and various institutional forms. Nobody knows what shape this mega-political transition will take, but it will certainly be an organic, bottom-up emergence since top-down control over this paradigmatically new sovereignty system simply does not exist. To state it plainly: Bitcoin is a momentous monetary innovation enabling a new mode of non-nation-state human organization, a “purified” form of capitalism free of nation-state interference and deserving of its own neologism. Let us call the new mode of socioeconomic organization enabled by encrypted digital money sovereignism.

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Part 2: Bitcoin, The Ultimate Offshore Bank

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