Coke vs Pepsi vs Tesla

We analyzed Coke and Pepsi so you don’t have to.

You might like their dividend yields and propensity to bank Free Cash Flows but they are also dancing with all time highs in stock price. As some analysts have noted, they may have another leg up to go in 2023 but this would “mark a significant and longer-lasting high in price.” (Seeking Alpha: Coke Vs. Pepsi: Which One Is The King Of Pop?)

On Dec 27, 2022 the PE Ratio of $KO was slightly higher than that of $TSLA. One has a growth rate of 8% and the other closer to 38 or even 48% (revenue). Perhaps growth stocks got into a post-Covid bubble but who’s in that bubble now … and where is your money better served if you were to make a purchase in the near future?

If you want to be a trader go for it, but if the long term investment interests you then abide the Strike $. Sign up for the GGI AWP to find our buy prices for these sodas bubbles and more.

At Green Garage Investing we like innovation + craftsmanship. And investing. Growth investing with a value mindset. Our Strike Price List is a semi-DIY subscription service to help retail investors outperform the stock market index.

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